What Is the Most Common House Pest?

There is a litany of pests that can infest your house, but the list depends a lot on where you live. So, if you live on the Cape Town West Coast, what is the most common house pest?

As pest control specialists at Pest Control Pros West Coast, who operate along the West Coast, covering areas such as Saldanha Bay, Vredenburg, Langebaan and St Helena, we have decades of experience when it comes to identifying and eliminating the most common house pests in this region.

We are very proud of our reputation with customers and our dedication to the safety of their homes and families, when carrying out expert pest control, with the safest pest control methods used internationally.

What is the most common house pest?

In our experience, our team of experts at Pest Control Pros West Coast would narrow the list of the most common house pests to mice, termites, cockroaches, ants, birds and bird mites in this region.

There are others that are scattered in-between, but let’s focus on these most common, irritating and often dangerous of pests we find on the West Coast.

For a more rounded picture of our full list of pest control services, which includes bedbug control, pre-construction termite control, HACCP pest control and more, please view them all right here, for an extensive look at each pest in-depth.

Your safety comes first at Pest Control Pros West Coast!

Aside from the fact that we use only SABS approved pest control products, which are sourced from trusted producers, for your safety, we also believe that it shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to get rid of pests the right way, which is why we pride ourselves on great prices that are so competitive, no one can beat them.

Pest Control Pros pest elimination methods

Mice & rats

Our specialized rodent control techniques for homes include the use of rodenticide, which we have found, along with other reputable pest control companies, to be the most effective form of controlling a rodent infestation.

We generally carry out rat baiting outside, such as in the garage and roof, where rats are most active, whereas mice are more active inside the house.

The amount of diseases rodents can bring into your home and to your family is extensive, making it well worth reading up on our list of facts regarding why it’s so important to exterminate them as quickly as possible!


At Pest Control Pros, we’ve found that the most effective approach to cockroach extermination and cockroach control treatment is the use of gel baits, along with a residual spray.

If required, depending on the size of the infestation, our pest control experts would also use a gas treatment, which come in the form of aerosols or thermal foggers, for use by professionals only.


When treating against ants we perform two treatments 1-2 weeks apart. We use both gel baits as well as residual sprays for effective control. During the first treatment we place gel baits inside the house and perform a spray treatment on the outside, during the follow up we spray both inside and outside the house. The residual spray we use internally has no smell, leaves no marks or stains and typically takes 30min to 2Hrs to dry.


We specialize in treating against termites. Along the west coast the most common termites are called Harvester or grass termites. When they are found in the garden they attack the grass leaving the lawns patchy, to treat against them we use a termiticide which we inject directly into the nests followed by a blanket surface spray. 

Where termites are found within the structure, we we would need to treat the nests and create a barrier around the structure. This is done by drilling every linear meter, through the structure’s external foundation walls around the complete property perimeter, and injecting a termiticide into each hole. This method is known as a “barrier treatment” and ensures termiticide is injected under the floors and directly into the nests thus creating a barrier around the complete property that prevents future re-infestation.


When treating against birds we do not exterminate them but try to prevent them nesting and/or perching on the property. Each house or structure is different and needs to be treated as is required. The most common treatment methods used against birds include the use of Eagle Eyes, galvanized wire mesh and bird spikes. Where bird mites are found, the nest where the mites are originating must be located and removed. The nest area is then treated with an insecticide and the complete house fumigated using a gas.


Contact Pest Control Pros today for an obligation free quotation to rid your house of any pest that is taking over, and we’ll be there to rescue you in a jiffy!


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